Lewis Marine, the Plymouth main dealer for Nanni Diesel
Nanni Diesel is the sole French manufacturer of marine propulsion systems. Nanni manufactures inboard solutions for both power generation from 3.5kW to 419kW, and propulsion from 10hp to 350hp. Nanni is also the exclusive distributor for Man and Doosan engines in France, French speaking countries and the Maghreb.
Moreover, Nanni is belonging to the world top 3 marine brands in this diesel range. Nanni is powered by an avant-garde spirit relying upon a centennial expertise in marine propulsion, power generation and power management.
Nanni Diesel: the ecological choice for a peaceful and respectful boating experience

Nanni helps you determine the right engine for your boat
A complete study covers each requested application, from the engine to the propeller. By combining several different options (transmissions, wiring, a hybrid system, etc.) Nanni customizes your engine to get you the right proposition for your boat and budget, but always with respect for the environment. Nanni offers engines that comply to the strictest emission standards. Nanni is also exchanging with the designers, the boat builders and the boat owners about the right amount of power needed to reach the target speed on your boat in order to trace and avoid the excess consumption, pollution and noise.
Nanni offers 6 product ranges, providing for the needs of the most demanding customers
Nanni is offering the best in engine customization by providing a complete study to cover each enquiry in order to offer the right solution for each application: engine, transmission, propeller and peripherals. The fully integrated Nanni organization, from the design office to the production plan make the quality of the Nanni service excellence and products